How Did it Get So Late So Soon?

We moved our daughter into her dorm at Loyola Marymount University this week.  I haven’t found the right words to express how I’m feeling.  Someone very special sent the following to me from a writer I admire very much.


How did it get so late so soon?

It’s night before it’s afternoon.

December is here before it’s June.

My goodness how the time is flewn.

How did it get so late so soon?

Dr.  Seuss



I sat under the pavilion sheltered from the sun, snacking on real images of my home and life, with my laptop finally open, pecking away at that novel I’ve only half-way finished writing. Occasionally, I would glance up to watch my son’s newly perfected dive permeating the pool’s crystal clear surface, and revel in the fact that hubby was home from his travels for a spell. Both of us, I’m sure, wondering what life will be like, just the three of us, when my daughter left our foursome to begin her journey off at college.
